Review of Zombies

Zombies (2017)
One of the best "comedies" of the year!
2 October 2017
If you're looking for a good zombie movie stay away from this awful film. If there was a script (which I doubt) I assume there was no money in the budget for a script supervisor to monitor continuity. The inconsistencies and time line mistakes drove me crazy. If there was there was a script, I hope the author never writes again. The acting was some of the worst I've ever seen.

Zombies is almost completely lacking in anything original or creative. Even the name is lazy. There's one scene that I have to give some credit for and that was the one involving a combine. It was the one interesting minute in the whole movie and it was, literally, a minute.

If you're looking for a movie full of unintentional hilarity...this is the one for you! I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in years. It may end up a cult classic as one of those "so ridiculously stupid it's funny" movies. My suggestion is to wait for it to come on SyFy or Netflix and turn it on when you need a good laugh.
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