It's easier to stay out than get out
1 October 2017
Talk about "truth is the first casualty"! Nixon lies directly to LBJ , LBJ knows he's lying and yet is perfectly civil to him over the phone. Can you imagine Donald Trump being that circumspect in a similar situation? So which one's the better man,the liar,the listener or the blunderbuss?

The dirty, stinking lying backroom boys will do or say anything to either remain in power or grab power.

We have LBJ complaining about the lying press (when in fact this time they were telling the truth) and we have Nixon trying to scuttle any deal by contacting the South Vietnamese in a way that could be considered treason. No matter who you vote for .. the Government gets in.

Another brilliant episode highlighting the futility of it all and how difficult it is becoming to extricate the Nation from the quagmire it's trapped in.

There is a sense that the end is nigh but when you see the scenes from the city of Saigon itself it's easy to understand why many of the economic beneficiaries didn't want it to end... They were making so much dough from the whole enterprise and there's no such thing as "enough" for greedy people!

How much more can the people take? In today's world it would be over as soon as the iphone battery ran out.
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