#UnitedWeWin. (2016)
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"...
1 October 2017
"You are human; we are human! You have kids; we have kids!"

This powerful mantra sparks the beginning of #UNITEDWEWIN, a documentary born from the strength, defiance, passion and relentless hope of a group of university students who, against the advice of their families and loved ones, undertake an unpredictable, perilous journey to the front-line of ISIS's territories in Iraq.

The film begins with a cacophony of news reporters - robotic voices that grow louder and louder until they're almost unbearable to hear. Their refrain is clear – another ISIS attack, another ISIS attack, another ISIS attack. From the get-go, we know this is not going to be an easy film to watch. But this is a good thing - there is nothing easy about what the men and women on the ground are doing, or what the soldiers, the commanders, the humanitarians, or even these university students are doing. Still, the moment this uproar is interrupted by our director's impassioned voice, we know we are in the safe hands. Henrik provides his audience with an intimacy that is often lost in documentary filmmaking. The first time we meet him, he is interrupted by a call from his Mom, and we know that this film is going to be deeply personal and deeply special because we are watching someone who deeply cares. We are instantly aligned with his subjectivity, and by the time he and his team are wheels up, we are ready to follow them on their journey. They are just as nervous as we would be, their parents worry in the same way our parents would. They persist like a group of heroes, and head into the depths of a world that is swathed in terror, gunfire, and darkness. Broken glass, broken homes, and black smoke on the horizon cast a shadow of dread on their entire mission. Still, Henrik reminds us that there is hope. He introduces us to the human faces of the fight. He shows us the laughter, love, and sense of community shared by people of all different races, religions, countries, and factions, who are united in their cause. We see innocent children climb fences, play games, sing songs, because, like the filmmakers, they are not yet jaded by the reality of war. He gives us a peek into how the international community's efforts are helping while reminding us that there is so much left to be done. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". His message rings loud and clear, and by the end of the experience, we come away with not only more awareness, but also with an overwhelming feeling of hope. The filmmakers remind us that behind darkness, there is light. Behind gunfire, there is music. And behind death, there is life.
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