Wacky Quacky (1947)
A Rare Daffy Knockoff
29 September 2017
There are a number of Columbia cartoon shorts that Sony claims are missing from their vaults. A few of them have surfaced in recent times in varying quality and completeness.

Wacky Quacky has a shocking and blatant knockoff of Daffy Duck, whom I would call his deranged cousin. He only vaguely sounds like Daffy though. I speculate that this films rarity was possibly due to Columbia avoiding a lawsuit of copyright infringement from Warner Bros. Although the producers of Screen Gems at this time were Henry Binder and Raymond Katz, whom previously served as production managers for the WB cartoons.

There isn't much to say about this short plot wise as there is virtually no coherency to the main action. The lack of coherency makes the short almost funny in a different way, in how bad it is. I presume the only known copy of this short is heavily edited as it only runs less than five minutes. This was one of the last shorts made at the Screen Gems studio, before it closed down. I speculate that production was rushed.

When Thad Komorowski mentioned it on his blog a few years ago, I immediately thought of the WB shorts featuring Daffy that were released around this time such as DUCK SOUP TO NUTS (1944) and AIN'T THAT DUCKY (1945), which were likely inspirations. Although this short doesn't come close to the comic value of an authentic Daffy cartoon.

This film is not an example of imitation being a sincere form of flattery.
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