Will & Grace: 11 Years Later (2017)
Season 9, Episode 1
Really Disappointing
29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when Will and Grace had cutting edge humor? Remember when it had naughty humor that never went too far?

Prepare to be terribly disappointed by the new version of the program. Sure, the four central characters are there, but somehow they are just not as cool or as "cutting edge" as you remember them.

The biggest disappointment is the quality of the writing. It has become incredibly mean spirited and strident. The central focus of many of these jokes is the current President. But there were also jabs at Nancy Regan,Barbara Bush, Pat Nixon. So this is less a comedy and much more of a "political vendetta". I am not a Republican, and I certainly did not vote for the current Administration, but it made me extremely uncomfortable.

Eleven years hiatus has not made Sean Hayes any more tolerable to watch. Hayes is pushing fifty and he is still pretending to be a twenty-five year old actor playing a part. This was bad enough during the original run of the series, but now it just is very very creepy. The writers should allow the Jack character to act his age.

To be fair, the program had its moments, but they were very few and far between. The writing staff needs to remember they are writing a comedy, and not use this series as a tool to verbally smite political figures they dislike.
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