Project Eden (2017)
Underwhelming silliness.
25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler.

A conspiracy premise which might have had some potential if it were not for the very poor screenplay and unconvincing direction of the acting which together, all too frequently jolts the viewer into wondering "What the? Is this really a commercial production or a student film project"?

Throughout the film one can't help but notice that all the actors look as if they have just had a facial and make over for every scene no matter what they have just been through in the story. Except the for the 'mother', there appears to be no grit or world weariness to any of the the characters who inhabit this implied, near future, mildly dystopian, white world in which they live. Even the few character actors, of whom, two, inexplicably 'know things' are cast as banal stereotypes.

Unfortunately, the backstory of the plot about the 'ages long struggle between the Illuminati and the resurrectionists', which could have given a backbone, structure and purpose to the story telling, if interestingly told at the beginning, as customary for this genre, was inexplicably relegated to a one liner near the end of the movie. Altogether, with the heard but not seen massacre at the end, and 'cliff hanger???' for "Part 2" not to mention the well meaning but overt drama of the background music; for me, the movie simply fell flat. A waste of competent photography and technical production.

Fairy lights leading to the entrance of the secret hideout in a cave in the woods.... REALLY??? Just can't see how it got an IMDb rating of 8, which is what prompted me to view this movie in the first place.
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