Star Trek: Discovery: The Vulcan Hello (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mindless Canon-Bashing Action for the ADD generation
25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a hater - I hate haters. I simply have to join the chorus of people on here who dislike the start of this series because though it might be visually stunning it just simply is NOT Star Trek, nor especially good Sci-Fi of any genre.

You do not claim this exists in the Prime Trek universe 10 years before TOS and then go about adding tech that shouldn't exist - Klingons with ridge bumps and no hair and 29th century looking ships, uniforms out of place etc. making a mockery of all the TV series produced before it.

If they had set this in the parallel JJ Trek universe I would be totally fine with the changes and it would make sense since stylistically this owes a lot to those movies (which by the way I love). Either that or set it 100 years after TNG era in the Prime Universe where again all the changes would be plausible.

Even if you did buy in to all that - above and beyond all else the first 2 episodes (which this review is based) just have very little going for them. No chemistry, largely annoying characters, bad Sci-Fi (Gravity anyone) and just basically an excuse for more war more confrontation and more mindless action prevalent in so many movies made for a mass audience of morons dazzled by special effects and violence without substance or an intelligent plot.

The ending of the 2nd episode was at least a little more interesting and based on previews the rest of the series looks more promising once they actually get onto the Discovery and we see more of day to day life (as teased in the 'After Trek' show that aired after this which I enjoyed a *LOT* more than the actual premiere) so I will reserve judgment and a review of the series as a whole until the full run.

But as it stands after 2 episodes I really wish they hadn't ruined the Trek universe with this.
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