The Beguiled (2017)
Misleading trailer
24 September 2017
The trailer of this movie had me so excited. Some of my favorite actresses take part in this cast and the story, which I was unfamiliar with not having read the book or seen the '70's movie, and I usually love Sophia Coppola's films (well Marie Antoinette is one of my favorite films and she has done some marvelous work). But this, the movie does certainly not live up to the trailer. The acting is good, even though the dialogues remain weak and the characters do not get the chance to really evolve. The fact that there is no background music in this movie leaves the spherical build up to your own imagination, which becomes a weakness of the movie in the second act. When you think finally something is going to happen, it is so little and so disappointing that it becomes frustrating to watch. At the moment the end credits started, I just said 'is this it? When is the movie going to start?' but sadly enough, it had already finished. I gave it 4 stars, because Dunst and Kidman (stay away from the botox) have a good performance, but they just can't save the movie. And message to trailer makers, this movie got it's age rating because of the trailer and that trailer, even though it looked good, it belonged to a completely other movie. Such a shame.
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