Sunday (V) (2014)
Gentle romantic drama - is part time love enough?
23 September 2017
8 stars. A lady living in Christchurch, NZ after the earthquake has tentatively started a new relationship. She also invites her ex-boyfriend back for a day to see whether they can resolve the conflict that caused their breakup. Although they're still in love, she won't have him unless he will give up his job driving trucks in Afghanistan to be with her full time along with his baby whom she's carrying. The job pays well, and he needs the money to cover mortgage payments for his house in Melbourne, Australia. Will he sacrifice his chosen livelihood to meet her needs? Does she love him enough to only see him one quarter of the time? They'd like to marry if they can find a way. Many couples grapple with these questions. I appreciated the simple story line with stark choices, the realistic script, the natural acting, and writers' confidence to convey the story without violence, sex, or dysfunction. The two lead actors wrote the script, along with the director.
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