A deep path through a decade of Gaga's emotional journey...
23 September 2017
Gaga, "Five Foot Two" My Review, There was great anticipation for this Netflix release, and for those that understand & appreciate Gaga's path over the last decade, it was an inviting hour & 40 minutes as it took you deeper than behind the scenes, sharing more than just Gaga performances, Numerous occasions totally unplugged, at home with family, sharing the emotion of special moments, inclusive with family hugs looking back to whom they have lost & the warmth of a baptism, There was lots of footage with her family, especially her dad, this capturing many of Gaga's emotional highs & lows, it took you beyond her celebrity & fame, it brought you to her struggles & pain, & the discomfort inclusively through health & relationships. There were many scenes capturing her warmth & sensitivity ( as expected) as well as her exhaustion & dedication in rehearsal & to her fans. Gaga shared her fears & insecurities, and showed that the life of a superstar is very much like the common woman. We all cry, we all hurt, and we all need time alone... I laughed a few times & cried as well, there was an amazing piano rendition of 'Bad Romance' which was performed at Tony Bennett's 90th birthday party, that simply gave me goose bumps It was ridiculously awesome.... I found the scenes at Wall Mart to be crazy funny as Gaga herself asked a clerk "Where can i find the Lady Gaga CD's" and the guy didn't even know who she was, nor did the security guy. Ha! Many people do not understand that Gaga's latest album "Joanne" was a full track of emotion & change, and significantly different from all the songs she had written on the previous 4 albums. It's about growth, learning, healing, being you & true to your emotions. This documentary takes you through a decade of Gaga's growth, up close & into her dressing rooms, her personal care & her travels. Her tattoos & showing her often not wearing any makeup. Oh and there's a scene where she's poolside speaking with fashion consultants, and yeah topless....that was interesting... In closing, for obvious reasons, an absolute must for those that appreciate Gaga, but then again, if you do, you've seen countless clips of Gaga's path over the years, and pretty much have a great understanding of her passion, energy & ridiculous gift to the music industry, and as always, the sensitive warmth that exudes out of her skin, straight from her heart. & for those that have never had any interest, perhaps they will find it interesting to see how 'Real' a superstar can actually be.... Have a great day, Peace to all ~Geo
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