Antarctica (1983)
A great retelling of an actual event, and one of the best soundtracks ever
18 September 2017
This completely unknown movie, at least to non-Japanese audiences, is an absolute spectacle. And who do we have to thank for that? The cinematographers, editor and director. The events that occur in this film look so realistic, I could barely watch. It actually looks like the whole movie was shot in Antarctica. The performances by the dogs were excellent. But the thing that makes this film great is the one and only VANGELIS!!!!!

The most underrated film composer of all time made this score in the middle of his prime. Two years after his Academy-Award-Winning score for Chariots Of Fire (1981) and a year after his prophetic and futuristic soundtrack for Blade Runner (1982), he chose to compose the music for this 1983 Japanese classic. I first heard the main theme for this film as some background music in Sea World San Antonio. I thought it was so beautiful, I didn't leave until I knew exactly what the song was. As for the rest of the score, it fit the tone of this film perfectly. In my opinion, it is one of the 10 best soundtracks of all time. The only real reason anyone would have seen this film today, like I did, would be because they are fans of Vangelis.

As for the rest of the movie, I thought it did a wonderful job setting up the emotional bond between the dogs and the scientists in the first act. However, the second act constantly switched between the dogs trying to survive and the scientists back home, which felt annoying. I understood why the subplot in Japan was necessary, but it didn't need to be edited quite like that. As for the ending, it was perfect.

8/10, that 40 million dollar budget was worth it. and thank you Vangelis. One of the best foreign films of all time.
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