Review of Villain

Villain (2010)
Right person, wrong time
18 September 2017
The very first time I had seen this movie was a couple of years ago. Still, it made a strong impression on me as if I were watching it a few days ago.

This love story is doomed from the beginning. A young man who only wants to be loved instead of being a laughing stock and a young woman brave enough to love and accept the true colors of her final choice.

Is one rewarded or punished if after becoming a sinner we meet a saint? If so, is it because we are given the second chance or are we shown what was the right thing to do? To risk everything you have and you have known for and let your destiny to take over? Staying true to yourself is the bravest thing you can do.

This stunning movie is all about mixed emotions. What is your final though - it's up to you.

You won't regret.
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