Entertaining Horror/Nudie
16 September 2017
Nightmare at Elm Manor (1961)

*** (out of 4)

George Harrison Marks directed this low-budget nudie picture that lasts just five-minutes but it's quite entertaining. A woman is seen walking through the woods and she then walks into a house where she undresses. From here she encounters a strange man who appears to be a vampire. I must admit that I had never heard of NIGHTMARE ON ELM MANOR before watching the director's NAKED AS NATURE INTENDED. I searched the film and found it quite easily and I must admit that it was a good and entertaining five-minutes. The film is pure sexploitation as the woman constantly has her breasts exposed for one reason or another. She's either dressing or undressing and if not then she's running around with her top open or is in the perfect position for them to just fall out. As a sexploitation film that works quite well. As a horror movie I found the editing to be effective and it was nice getting to see a vampire as a sexual character and going after that more than just blood.
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