The first truly sci-fi episode of the series...and a dandy episode as well.
14 September 2017
Up until "The Sky is Falling", "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" dealt with a lot of odd topics and even, in one case, a monster. But the show had been more a fantasy show than sci-fi in many ways. However, with this particular episode the program truly delves into sci-fi...and a very successful program it is.

The show begins with a UFO flying about the Earth and, as you'd expect, the military folks are all worried and go to the usual 'let's blast it' mode. When the craft crashes into the sea, the Seaview goes to investigate...along with Rear Admiral Tobin (Charles McGraw) onboard. This is a bit of a problem, as Tobin is the stereotypical knee-jerk military man...and he thinks the only good alien is a dead alien. But their mission goes awry when they encounter the UFO, as it uses a ray of sorts to make the power on the sub vanish. Now, the men are slowly suffocating. How will Admiral Nelson (Richard Basehart) manage to save the day AND make first contact?

I thought this show was extremely intelligent and interesting...much like the classic sci-fi film "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Very exciting, very well written and very much worth your time.
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