Review of It

It (I) (2017)
A stupid waste of time and money
12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The updated effects helped to keep me awake through the movie, but they weren't enough to make it scary, because the effects were only used for jump scares. The only part that was remotely scary was the scenes with the crazy mom of one of the kids and the scenes with another kid's creepy dad.

The clown demon wasn't that scary. The closest it came to being scary was the scene from the trailer where it pops out of the projector screen ala Ringu. It was slightly scary because it made it clear that the demon knew who the kids were, where they were, and what they were doing.

I strongly advise against seeing this movie because nearly everything in it is sooooooooo stupid! The town has been plagued by a murdering demon and also huge catasrophes that nearly wipe out the town and are probably also caused by the demon for hundreds of years and yet there is still a town. No one left??

The town doesn't seem to care that there are gangs of psychotic kids roving around constantly butchering other people! There are rapes happening in the street in broad daylight and there is no reaction from anyone and somehow there is still a town. Just over the course of the movie, tons of people are killed or at least go missing and there is no reaction from the town other than a couple of missing posters. The police never become involved and there's no FBI presence!

There are also no consequences for the main kids either. The kids execute a fellow kid and leave his body in the sewer and the girl bludgeoned her dad to death and yet it is never even mentioned again and she just goes to live with her aunt. WTF?

Even after the demon is defeated and the kids rescue the people who had been taken, they only try to revive the main girl and they don't tell anyone in the town about it so presumably there's no investigation and the hundreds of bodies are just left in the sewer to rot...

Just to give you an idea of how horribly pathetic this movie is, the boys "wake" the girl by giving her a steamy kiss...

The movie is also inconsistent with it's portrayal of the demon! On several occasions, the movie unequivocally states that it lives off people's fear, but then why does it kill and eat people? Also if it just needs fear, then wouldn't killing it's victims be counter productive? On the other hand, if it needs physical sustenance, then what's the point of the whole fear thing? Why wouldn't it just snatch prey and eat it like a beast? Also why does it look like a clown and why do it's victims float? This is treated like a huge issue as it is referenced throughout the film and yet neither point is ever explained!

Rather the kids say that it seems to show each person the thing that that person fears the most and yet despite that exposition it still appears as a clown to each of the kids!
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