Big Bad Mama (1974)
A Trashy Roger Corman Film
9 September 2017
Mama (Angie Dickinson) and daughters get forced by circumstances into bootlegging and bank robbing, and travel across the country trailed by the law.

According to director Steve Carver, Angie Dickinson allowed the crew to remain on set during the filming of her sex scene with Tom Skerritt, but William Shatner asked for all nonessential crew to be removed during his sex scene with Dickinson. What a prude! Though you do see more of Shatner than you probably ever wanted to.

More than anything else, this film is probably known for its gratuitous nudity. One wonders how low Angie Dickinson's career sunk that she would agree to this. Being a Corman film, she could not have been making much more than union wages.
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