An undiscovered gem
5 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a little surprising to see that "Dangerous Corner" was released in late 1934, because it has the kind of openness, honesty and cynicism about love and marriage (and crime) that is usually associated with pre-code movies. Then again, if the IMDb trivia is true, there were even more daring elements in the play (like homosexuality and drug addiction) that were taken out of the film (and it probably is true - after all, Gordon is the one character whose "secret" we never learn and Martin acts too bizarrely to be merely "drunk"). It all starts fairly lightheartedly, but it soon develops into something deeper, as it removes layer after layer of superficiality and deception and reveals everyone's hidden self. The ending twist is awesome - something like a 1930s "Run, Lola, Run"! An excellent example of "chamber cinema", with fine performances in every role. Many people will probably see themselves in this movie - and then prefer not to talk about that! ***1/2 out of 4.
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