Criminal Minds: Solitary Man (2010)
Season 5, Episode 17
How The King Fell
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, Criminal Minds demonstrates its incredible ability to be both heartbreaking and creepy. You pity our unsub as he tries and fails to give his little girl the love she deserves, while at the same time loathe and fear him for the horrors he puts woman through. The episode manages to give a grim note to the most innocent of things--bedtime stories, childhood drawings, and the desire of parents to care for their children. The scene where the Jody cheerfully describes her father's murders--all lovingly painted on her wall and described through the lens of a fine fairy tale--was particularly horrifying. Even the end of the episode is chilling--even as the team comes home, another innocent woman is unwitting lured to her doom.
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