Leave It to Beaver: Beaver Finds a Wallet (1960)
Season 3, Episode 30
Miss Thompson, you are a big fat liar. Rat, rat, rat.
28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wally is heading off to the market for June when Eddie Haskell shows up to get Wally, so June lets Wally off the hook. Beaver then gets the job. Beaver takes Larry with him and on the way Beaver finds a wallet. Larry wants to split the money, but Beaver says they need to turn it in; and then Beaver immediately forgets the market.

Beaver has been at the police station waiting now for quite a while. Finally, a desk sergeant comes out to make a report and give Beaver a receipt. If after ten days no one claims the wallet, the money is Beaver's. When Beaver eventually gets home after two and a half hours and explains what happened. After hearing what happened, Ward is proud of his son for doing the right thing.

It's a long ten days for Beaver and he's been making a list of possible purchases; but Ward suggests Beaver write an ad for the paper. Beaver comes up with an ad but Eddie feels Beaver is giving out way too much information; but that is Eddie. Beaver has been calling the police station every day to track the status of the wallet and finally Beaver gets the call to come down and get the money. Unfortunately, the owner makes it there the last day to get her money. Beaver fails to get the money but Miss Tompkins promises to send Beaver a present.

A present finally arrives and it's a clock radio but not from the lady; the present was from Ward because Ward didn't want Beaver to lose faith in human nature. Turns out Beaver has called the police station to get the address of Miss Tompkins so he can write a thank you note to the lady. After Wally, Ward and June hears the note, Wally is impressed with his brother. Ward offers to mail it for Beaver. June thinks it's a wonderful note and it's too bad the way things turned out. Ward however is going to mail the note; perhaps Miss Tompkins should get a little jolt to her conscience for lying to a little boy.

The best part of the episode is indeed the very end. A lot of parents no doubt taught their children about being honest and not lying, and were probably upset to see how Beaver was duped. That could easily be their child stuck with disappointment after believing their parent's teaching. We all know the world is cruel and for all the teaching about living the Judaic/Christian principles, the end results have been disappointing. Like Ward, many try to protect their children for as long as they can.
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