A real back-kicking steamer
27 August 2017
There is a good deal of freshness in this story of gambling for high stakes on Mississippi steamboats in days before the war. The really good point about it is that it seems realistically true to the times it pictures, and so it convinces. It has, for instance, a real back- kicking steamer of the old type. The scenes with this in are fine. The plot, with new incidents, is conventional and ends, as many pictures do, with the heroine riding to save the hero, a noble-hearted young man who had been forbidden the house by her father, because he was a gambler. Anna Nilson is the girl; James Vincent, the hero; Hal Clements, the villain; Guy Coombs, the girl's brother and Henry Hallem. a fine old man, her father. The photography is clear. An offering that will be welcomed. - The Moving Picture World, April 19, 1913
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