Hmmm. That's odd. A Christian who hate this movie. That's interesting. Do you like carrots? Yeah, I do and yes, I still detest this film! It's horrible!
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a crime that this Christian movie made by the Christiano Brothers (Dave & Rich Christiano) got even made. It's God-awful! Plus, it's really, really stupid! Without spoiling too much about the short 32 minute film; I really have to ask, how was anybody, supposed to take the plot, seriously!? In real life, the theft of a religious book, even during a break-in, wouldn't probably warrant much of a full investigation by the police. Let alone, a forensic investigation. Unless, it's has value, like 12th century 'Gospels of Henry the Lion' by the monks of the Benedictine monastery or the 'Codex Sinaiticus' written back, around 330 AD. Both religious pieces of work, are value, over $15 million USD. Since, this book in this movie is just another single, ordinary piece of literature at Christian Summer Camp, that's isn't the bible. It really seem unrealistic & unnecessary, that a nameless investigator (Keith Salter) would be brought, just to solve, a simple case like this. It not even, much a hate crime. So, I doubt they can use that, as a legit reason to investigate. Nevertheless, the act of seeing, a police officer being brought in, & saying that not being a Christian, is worse than murder is also a bit disturbing. Said that, to the victims of the Holocaust, Detective. Then, let's see if not being a Christian, really is the crime of the ages! What follows after that stupid remark, is a series of repetitive questioning, that borderlines, looks and feels like a McCarthyism witch-hunt, than good detective work. Look, I get that, the book was, about how to be, a better Christian, but judging the suspects on how flaw, there are, in 'supposedly' being good Christians, is not going to bring the detective, closer to solve the crime. After all, not being a good Christian, isn't much of a crime, nor illegal. So, why is this man judging them, as if they were, criminals!? It makes no sense. Instead, it slows the movie, really down. Because of this, the movie really get mundane and quite boring in the broken record copy-pasted conversations, he has with all the camp staff. It was not entertaining to see, the cop, repeat, everything, multiply times. It was honestly, very annoying. It was not interesting. Then, there was the dinner scene where carrots are served. Seeing how everybody says, they loves carrots; it really doesn't cut any of the suspects, by serving them. It wouldn't be much of an incrimination. Nor does it, give any good suspense, by having them, all take a carrot, only to put it back, in fear of getting expose. In short, the whole scene was meaningless, even with the red herring. However, what takes the cake, is the sequence in which, the nameless camp director (Mike Smith) gives the detective, a secondary copy of the book, stolen; making this whole case, seem kinda pointless. It doesn't make a lick of sense. Even the climax, doesn't make much sense. Once again, without spoiling too much of the mystery, how does he know that incorrectly quoting bible verses in order to get the real thief to correct him, was going to expose them, as the culprit? After all, any of them, could had correct him; without once reading the book, seeing how, they all been expose to, at least, one church lecture, media source or another, over the course of their time. It doesn't mean, that they are stupid. Anyways, that brings us to the jarring 'break the fourth wall' ending. What was the deal, with the detective addresses the audience!? How is hating this movie, make me, a horrible Christian!? If anything, it makes me, into a better person, because I'm not as judgmental on how other people want to live, their lives, unlike this ass-hat of a detective who delivers over the top arrogant sass to everybody like he is king of the mountain. Overall: As a Christian, I dislike badly acted, low-budget, poorly shot, fear-mongering movies like this. Not only does the themed & moral sounds outdated, but it's highly preachy in a negative way. It's not spiritual, nor uplifting. It's hell & brimstone message is giving off, the wrong message. Stay away from this movie. The mystery isn't challenging. There is hardly any suspense. It's not good. Nor was not funny in a 'so bad, it's good', kind of a way. It's just terrible. Can't recommended.
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