Baby Driver (2017)
Enjoyable, full of nice songs, but in the second half, the movie loses its authenticity
26 August 2017
I like and follow Mr. Wright as an original and creative director and in my opinion, "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is his masterpiece. Hot Fuzz was flawed, but it was a fun and thrill ride and I enjoyed it. Shaun of the Dead was brilliant and funny, but The Baby Driver doesn't feel like it was made by Edgar Wright. This is not his style as a filmmaker. The first half is very entertaining and very colorful like a candy, the camera work, music, characters are all great. However, in the second half, the movie turns into an ordinary crime/heist movie like any other director can shoot. The movie pays homage to some cult movies such as The Terminator, Bonnie and Clyde etc. but it loses its charm and becomes predictable with a boring, weird and unnecessary climax. This movie is supposed to be about music, old tracks and car chases, but other than songs, actually it is not! Don't expect impressive and long car chases like Bullitt or Gone in 60 Seconds etc. If you think that this movie is a car-driven film, you get seriously disappointed. Kevin Spacey is fun here, but the character's changeable motivations kill the rationality here. Jamie Foxx is the star of the movie and also he was my favorite character in the movie. The other couple was very repulsive for me, but the actors plays in a very passionate way, but I didn't care their survival. Music is great here like The first Guardians of the Galaxy and especially the first half was a great piece of entertainment, but the movie has so many flaws. The chemistry and love story between two main characters feels superficial and unrealistic. It is just a plot device. In the final chapter, the movie is a real letdown because of some bad plot twists. I recommend this movie for entertainment, but also if you have zero expectation.
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