Dark Matter: Nowhere to Go (2017)
Season 3, Episode 13
Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing
26 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What separates this show from most is it's characters, as good as the story is, the narrative is driven by the characters motivation, and the perfect example of this is shown to us in this episode, as Six is willing to give his life for his beliefs. I was expecting Three and Marcus Boone to switch places, but that would have been predictable and I'm glad that the writers can keep us guessing. I love the other side of Two and hope we get to see more of Portia in the upcoming season, although the show has yet to be renewed, I'm certain that they will give this show it's well deserved fourth season, not doing so would be a crime. I know this show doesn't have a big budget, but the visual effects were astounding, particularly in this episode. Perhaps the best aspect of the show is the foreshadowing of future episodes, as seen on episode four where the Android travels to the future and Five tells her of the events to come, and now there all happening. Which leaves me to wonder, is fate inevitable?
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