Documentary, the entertaining life of Nat Cole.
24 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I found this documentary on Netflix streaming. The title is a direct reference to the non-black general public, especially in the Southern US, being "afraid" of dark-skinned people who may be successful. I grew up in the South in the 1950s and 1960s, it was very much a mood of "blacks knowing their place." Nat Cole of course wasn't the only one, but as a superb piano player and singer it is unfortunate he came along at a time when prejudice was near its highest point.

The documentary is well made, it features Nat himself plus most members of his family, and many friends and co-workers who knew him well. He was not perfect, his long-time wife and mother of his children even referred to an affair she was aware of, but on balance his positives far outweighed his negatives. And he truly had a magical singing voice and style.

Nat was a long-time, heavy smoker and finally gave way to lung cancer. I remember when he died, it seemed that he lived a full life. But to put his young death in perspective, two of my children now are older than he was.
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