Pokémon: The Mischievous Phione! (2009)
Season 12, Episode 9
Iphone joke?
20 August 2017
This episode features Ash and the gang going to a place to meet up with pokemon known as the Phione. When I first saw these guys, I thought they were the same pokemon as Manaphy. Upon doing some research, it's actually more complicated than that. Phione are in fact the offspring of Manaphy but they don't even evolve into them. I really do like the idea of legendary pokemon having other forms, even if it might not make much sense given their nature. It's especially amusing to see Phione mess with Team Rocket after they capture one.

They did in fact capture one fair and square. It does make you wonder whey they're not allowed to capture wild pokemon when it's technically not against the law. I really don't want to get into animal rights to make the issue realistic, so maybe we'll just skip it. I especially loved seeing Phione's powers with how he was able to turn into water. Pikachu does appear to be male as Buneary (a female) appears as a blatant love interest. We'll get more into that later. ***1/2
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