Fumée blonde (1957)
pretty superfluous
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Blonde Smoke" is supposed to be a comic take on a "noir" detective movie. It's not easy to think of an argument justifying the existence of this movie. It doesn't do much : it starts, it continues, it ends, but to what purpose ? There are a few good wisecracks, a few good jokes ; and it is possible that toddlers of a very nervous and timid disposition might experience a slight thrill somewhere.

Oh yes, and there is an engaging heroine - a bold and fearless creature who, presumably, would go her own merry way even when threatened with a flame thrower. So let's give the movie a few stars, it's always nice to see a competent heroine. But that's about it. There are sad failures with regard to writing, directing and acting, resulting in a movie which is about as riveting as taking a walk on a tiny litter-strewn beach while it drizzles.

Even the grand set piece disappoints. At one point in the movie the packet of cigarettes which is sought after by gangsters and spies alike, ends up in a circus, because.. because... I realize I can't help you there, as there doesn't seem to be much of a "because". But anyway, the packet of cigarettes ends up in a circus, resulting in a series of supposedly merry scrapes where dozens of people run to and fro and open a magician's boxes while jolly children applaud. I can honestly state that I have laughed better and harder while watching political debates on fiscal matters.
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