Still very powerful today
16 August 2017
Lloyd Nolan narrates this short film and a few famous Hollywood actors (Paul Lukas and Felix Bressart) appeared in it. It was made for the war department and is a film anticipating the sort of racist crap that the Nazis were peddling being spread in America after the war.

The film consists of some ordinary boob listening to a speech by a Neo- Nazi type and agreeing with almost all of it. However, when the hate- filled diatribe also attacks him, indirectly, he's not so sure of the America first/non-whites suck message. Then an immigrant observing the speech (Lukas) talks about the many, many ways the speech is abhorrent to any decent American and why. While it could have come off as preachy and silly, the short film was handled well and is a lovely appeal for tolerance and decency.
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