Review of Power

Power (2014–2020)
i wrote an extensive review a number of years ago
13 August 2017
it was deemed inappropriate.... realize i'm a 67 year old white guy from nova scotia, sorry 66 year old white guy, but this show which i generally like offends me in its portrayal of urban African amerikans. in the prior review i railed against the black producers perpetuating a myth of afro-amerikans as cold, mean, murderous and worse. i suspect this review will be pulled... but i live deep urban and afro- or latino- or whatever amerikans are people i do not fear, nor they me (after a while... come on, what is scarier than an old white man?) power is not the wire and doesn't aim for that; but my issue is how they portray afro-yanks; quick to kill etc which so plays into the suburban zeitgeist of fear. Or as a genius who picked me up hitchhiking in the u.k. during that sweet summer of 1972 said, "peasants always fear the unknown, which keeps them peasants" 50 cent etc. need to accept responsibility for this show and be ashamed for how they portray afro-amerikans. if i was myron cohen and wrote a series about a bunch of jews running a bogus cancer treatment center.... no matter how dramatic and well written it was it won't go anywhere. yet this, which plays into every afro and celtic amerikan myth walks free. it speaks more volume than those soros funded riots. all of us need to get along, stop fearing each other and actually reach out and be together.....a few do not want that and perpetuate hate with sophisticated/subtle propaganda. it is here, there and everywhere and i say shame on you hatemongers and accomplices. if this review is taken down, you prove my point and there's no animosity
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