Like Nothing You've Ever Seen Before, Any Upcoming Filmmakers must watch this
11 August 2017
Looking at this film it is obviously a terribly made one, amongst ones like Birdemic, The Room, and Fateful Findings. The reason why it different from them though it is because of how undeniably entertaining it is, and the passion by the people behind it. This film really is like NOTHING you've ever seen before. It was made with a budget of 200$ in a third world impoverished country, were clean water is a luxury, with constant strikes and the cast being in fear of danger, by a director who has never been in a movie theater in his life. They're sole purpose was to make a kickass action movie, to entertain, and it succeeds in every way possible.

Passion and true entertainment is what this movie clearly has, and it is something that today's film industry truly lacks, where everything is involved somehow by a huge company and for the sake of a profit, commercialism, or to make it into a never ending franchise. If the director and the people involved in this film had to give everything and did the impossible to make this happen, whats really stopping people like us from picking up a camera and start recording?

I absolutely love this movie, and everyone who is an aspiring filmmaker of any sorts has to watch this.
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