Review of Part 13

Twin Peaks: Part 13 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 13
Get it done with already
9 August 2017
In one word, awful, pretty much like the rest of the series. The worst offender? There is no story. 13 episodes in and almost nothing has happened. There is a bad Cooper, a good Cooper (still in a quasi-vegetable state), there are coordinates that lead somewhere and, er, that's about it. Everything is so absurd that the suspicion remains that Lynch will eventually turn it upside down Mulholland Dr style and present an alterna-universe, but so what? It will still be an awful series. To add insult to injury, Lynch has forgotten how to direct. His over-reliance on digital technology has created a show with no memorable visual moments. The only interesting scene in this episode was the ring bit. Everything else was so boring that I nearly fell asleep. Gut wrenching tension? Oh please.
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