Review of Part 13

Twin Peaks: Part 13 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 13
Cherry Pie
7 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this episode of Twin Peaks was nothing short of excruciating. It's not that it's poorly directed, acted, or written, but I just didn't care about anything that was happening. It's depressing to see Ed & James in such a downer stage in their lives, but it's not like they're big parts of this show or anything. And yes, I realize this new revival is far from a typical television show that has big reveals, but any sort of plot progression would have been nice. Instead, we saw Evil Cooper kill Ray & Dougie "save" Anthony's life. Aside from that, perhaps the most eventful thing was seeing Nadine finally figure out her soundless drapes. I mean come on, the scene where the 3 agents throw out a sheet a paper that could help them figure out Dougie's backstory was just a punch in the gut from David Lynch. It's essentially him telling us to forget about ever getting rid of Dougie and just deal with it. Yikes. Maybe this show just isn't for me anymore. Or maybe I'll love next week's episode and I'll eat my words.

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