Review of Snatched

Snatched (2017)
Thought I'd give it a fair shake...should've just shaken that thought off
6 August 2017
Awful. Just awful. I watched it to the end just to see how bad it could get. It got really bad. If I heard "Jeffery" say "Muh Mah" one more time I was going to vomit. There's nothing funny in this. Nothing. Not even past a silly chuckle. I should've known to look to see who the executive producers were before I wasted my time watching this. Shame on me. Here, I'll save you the time. One of the 4 is - you guessed it - Baby Face Schumer. Someone else in an earlier review hit it on the nail saying if you want a box office poison pill, put her in a flick. Guaranteed that you'll get Amy to say the word vagina on multiple occasions because that's so cute in her immature pea brain. Then follow that with some boob hanging out and you've got the combo to make any male teeter over the edge. Not! Good heavens, how many times can you say the "p" word. Isn't she supposed to be one of those who are so offended by the word and yet cast it off her, and others, tongues multiple times without flinching. This was just a total mess. No redeeming factors in it anywhere. Not a good story line. Not even good actors to try and save this mess. If I could reverse time, I'd snatch myself out of thinking of giving this a chance. Oh Schumer, perhaps you can start using that word -snatch- now for giggles. I'm sure that's just on the horizon for you to switch it up and not use the "p" word or the vagina word multiple times lest you offend the "female movement" in your next movie. Oh, that is if any movie production company would dare use you in a movie again. If they do, Hollyweird is dumber then I gave them credit. By the way, I am a female. I take offense to any female using certain words in reference of female body parts to garner a laugh and a few bucks yet act so appalled when others do it. It's just like the "N" word - you don't get to pick and choose who says it if you are constantly using it yourself. It doesn't compute.
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