Good CGI and good script!
3 August 2017
This trilogy of prequels has been an excellent build up to the Planet of the Apes main event. True it does kind of spoil the surprise ending of the original film where Charlton Heston finds out he is back on Earth. But then that could only really work the once. This take on the PotA has shown some well thought out scripting and demonstrates that you don't have to sacrifice good writing for good CGI. Andy Serkis demonstrates great range of emotion through his CGI "mask" building on Gollem from LotR with a greater subtly. For me though the best performance goes to Woody Harrlson who imbues his character with a greater degree of sympathy than your usual villain. And that really is the point of the film. That things are not always black and white. If I have any quibbles it is that Caesar is a bit too vengeance driven in parts and I am not sure about the comedy character. But really it is a difficult film to fault.
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