Twin Peaks: Part 12 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 12
what the **** was this crap?!
2 August 2017
i know, it's Lynch. Lynch doesn't give two f*cks about what I think, even if I thought this was the slowest episode I've ever seen in my entire life, if it was super painful get through it, 40 minutes and lacking a damn coherent story line.

I know it has been taking time to know the characters and set the scenarios, i know it's 20 episodes and he's not gonna reveal everything quickly, but WHY ARE YOU TREATING US LIKE THIS? it was more time on screen of a French woman who told NOTHING and contributed NOTHING than the very anticipated return of Dale Cooper!! i mean, what the actual f*ck

I'm so angry, even Audrey was here for the first time in 25 years but it had this weird atmosphere we have been getting acquainted of since the revival started, it's not pleasant at all! WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE A FREAKING REALISTIC BELIEVABLE CONVERSATION BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE? WHY IT HAS TO BE ALWAYS SO UNCOMFORTABLY WEIRD??

Aaaaaand more of the "bang bang bar", when this f*king place shows up I know the episode's over. A band with a vibe is playing and maybe a conversation of characters I don't care about and never seen before who are a bunch of pathetic losers and, that's all.

nonsense, nonsense and more nonsense.

WHY LYNCH, WHY?? I hate this freaking show. It started SO good, It was surreal, amazing, superb performances and weird but haunting stuff. But now, he's treating his public with such a lack of respect, we're not puppets in your strange world. We want to stick to relevant stuff, is that so hard? I'll finish the damn show because I love Cooper and I really hope he's back sometime, but I'm so f*cking angry at this episode. Even the number 8 who was weird as hell was super cool, it made no sense, but in a way I knew it was well done, it was good sh*t and might come later the revealing of the meaning. This was just a total waste of my precious time. I'm sticking with GoT premieres the next Sundays from now on.
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