No effort to make a good film
2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you read the premise, it was a Ninja versus the KKK; sounds like an exciting epic.

But as you start the movie and continue along, it seems like there was no effort to make it anything special. You realize how bad it is and fail to see any semblance of a story.

Someone remarked "The techniques are actually Ninjutsu, instead of some flashy movie-friendly dance steps like you would see in a Sho Kosugi movie of the same era." I respect that review of this film and it's no surprise that Ninjutsu has been embellished through the Cannon Group. More power to anyone that actually enjoyed this.

But I'm sorry, even with accuracy, movies "with a lesson" and not too much embellishing does not mean it has to turn out the way this one did. Artistic license (of a real subject) does not hurt if it's not overdone

Seems like no one did their job well to make this a quality movie. "Low budget" does not always equal low quality. And while martial artist, Stephen K. Hayes was the subject matter expert on this film, it don't look like the star, Craig Boyett picked up any of Hayes' training or knowledge.

There are plenty of actors who win martial arts roles, but never had any of that training beforehand (Ralph Macchio and Michael Dudikoff come to mind); but they end up nailing their respective roles. Was Mr. Boyett even an actor? Even if the martial arts wasn't embellished, you can tell one who has been training in it and it seems like our "star" did anything but! Yeah, no preparation for the role!

If this film was supposed to tell another story or lesson of Ninjitsu (or martial arts in general) that doesn't have the Hollywood embellishments, that's fine. But with the way the movie was poorly executed, you only think of the poor acting and poor martial arts moves ("real" or exaggerated) and miss the lesson.

Whether you hear of them or not, there are plenty of QUALITY "low budget" films, because the players, producers, writers and directors made an effort to make it so. This one seems like all involved didn't care for quality.
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