31 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert: the movie is pretty much nothing but gratuitous violence. Do yourself a favor and watch something fun. (Didn't realize this was based on a Steven king story, now that you know, you know a little more of what to expect, I didn't.)

The problem with gratuitous violence themes is they can be sickening as they create the necessary angst to get you rooting for a bad end for the bad guy, as this one does. Although not terribly graphically gross, the theme is sickening; the antagonist is sufficiently repugnant to get one's contempt. And from there the story follows a predictable line: what will our protagonist do to get revenge. What he does is as unlikely as it is uncreative. In the end, as usual, antagonist suffers a relatively short lasting demise as payback for - as usual, our protagonist's story-long suffering. ...and one which is, as mentioned, difficult to fathom: (protagonist has, as usual in these types of movies, an unrealistic amount of time and resources to pull off his revenge ploy)
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