An Excellent & Empowering Film
26 July 2017
I wasn't planning on writing anything about this great film, but my eye caught the highest ranked review that is surprisingly negative and unhelpful.

I honestly feel that Lady Bloodfight is one of the best martial arts movies that I have seen in many years, but for different reasons.

I lived in Asia for seven years working, traveling and studying. I feel that the director did a good job at highlighting the beauty of Hong Kong.

I spent years learning various kung fu forms and weapons in subfreezing weather in Northern China near Siberia and North Korea.

I studied with Shaolin monks and spent a lot of time learning Chinese philosophy and Buddhism.

There is nothing like learning how to use a Shaolin rope dart in -20 degree weather at 6 am surrounded by strangers exercising in a giant park.

My training was quite casual compared to the realistic and painful training depicted in the film.

This film does an excellent job at illustrating the genuine focus of martial arts as self-control, inner stability and personal development.

The fight sequences are raw, well-choreographed and absolutely amazing. I even learned a few new moves for my weapons training.

The actresses are tough, beautiful and independent, which will be offensive to critical and narrow-minded people.

This is the first well-made martial arts film that I have seen that truly demonstrates female strength and empowerment.

There are a few confusing plot twists, but I agree with the LA Times that movie goers should simply skip the plot and focus on the exciting action.
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