Mr. Sycamore (1975)
Extremely stupid
25 July 2017
Some movies are so upsetting, they should never have been made. Some movies are so stupid, you simply wonder why they were made. Thankfully, Mr. Sycamore belongs to the latter category. There's nothing particularly disturbing about this film, in which a bored postman decides to become a tree, but it's so ridiculous, you wonder why anyone put up the money to produce it.

Yes, you read that correctly. Jason Robards plays a postman, and one day he quits his job, digs a hole in his backyard, and stands there, waiting for his feet to take root and turn into an actual tree. There might have been some sort of metaphor or deeper meaning in the story, but I couldn't see it. Sandy Dennis plays the wife, who isn't on board with his transformation. It isn't nice of me to harp on her appearance, so instead I'll mention her repeated flub of her lines, which added to my difficulty in watching her performance.

It's a very stupid movie, without substance or good acting. Don't watch it, unless you admittedly have bad taste.
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