Mechanics to the mob must speed up to do their job.
25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Edmund Lowe and Wynne Gibson have spectacular chemistry in this tale of a mob mechanic and a mob moll who get together on the bumpy road to love, especially when he can't convince her to sit up in the truck with him and takes her on a joy ride in the anchored car that tosses her around like a sack of potatoes. Lowe, the brother of pretty Lois Wilson, works with his brother-in-law James Wilson and is adored by his happy nephew, the adorable Dickie Moore. He tugs nobly at the heart strings when a sudden brush with one of the stolen cars from the racket Gibson is involved in speeds suddenly towards him, causing near tragedy. This, as well as several other violent segments, really keep you gripped, one involving a deliberate murder that is completely shocking. It's a well written pre-code romantic crime drama with elements of comedy that will keep you hooked. Alan Dinehart as the big boss and George Rosener as a mute brute add some sinister villainy and are totally convincing in their parts. Guinn "Big Boy" Williams is the stereotypical dumb lug who adds a few of the unbelievable moments, especially when he comes across a heinous crime about ready to happen and has no idea of what he's witnessing.

It's nice to see Gleason involved in a part that involves romance but casts him against type without the acerbic comedy bits that made him a scene stealer but left little room for versatility. Gibson, sort of a poor man's Mae West, gets out some great wisecracks, and Lowe matches her quip for quip. There are only a few moments that are hard to swallow, but the fast moving script and action packed drama make those easy to forgive. A bit with a dwarf getting a raspberry while marrying a normal sized woman might be considered offensive today, but there's a great pay-off involving that gag. The finale may have you guessing as to what is going to happen, and even if you guess right, you're going to be thrilled by how it is paced and excited by the outcome, even long before it happens.
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