It's an OK story for low budget
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this six stars because it was watchable and had some things I liked. It lost four stars for the things I didn't like. I've been around for 60 years and I've seen a few stinkers I wouldn't finish. As an Amazon Prime customer I get to hit the back button and make another selection without additional cost other than a shrug and a grimace. So here are a few things off the top of my head.

I found the story coherent except for one place when the time-line shifted and I wasn't sure of a character's identity due to extreme hair and makeup changes. I thought the Callum character was believable and memorable. I can't remember the others' names.

Yes, the graphics were, in general, awful for the times, but that would be a money issue rather than something with which to condemn the finished product. I did like the orbs. Orbs are cool.

Yes, some of the acting made me cringe inside, but I expected that going in. And in a few spots I wondered why something was written and/or directed in a certain way, but I expected that, too.

If there's one thing I've learned since joining IMDb, it's that money and time usually affect the outcome, and not in a pretty way. Oh, and sometimes a corporate know-it-not will make some stupid demand that ruins the whole thing. I don't know what played out here, though.

In general, you'll choose to give this flick a chance or you won't. If you can do it without spending any money then go for it.

Almost forgot ... I liked the ending that left me with no questions.
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