Primates rising!
20 July 2017
After the disaster the remake of Planet of the Apes of 2001 was, a decade later this was the next try in order for the series to start again and this time paid of and we now have a trilogy of these films. This one and the two next take inspiration more from the latter film of the original series (mainly Conquest and Battle), which they weren't very good to be honest and did their own thing.

In the story we follow the now iconic chimpanzee Ceasar from his early days to the beginning of the events that started to fall of our society. This start comes from a try of us to cure brain diseases ,but when tested to Apes ,it has the unexpected outcome of making them smart to a point that match a humans intelligence. In short this is both a prequel of the 1968 film and a remake of the how we ended with that society.

In general what I praise of that film is how it tackles one of the most baffling problem of humanity, how would we treat a creature of similar or even equal intelligent level which doesn't fit our definition of what is a human or a clever being in general. And if you have seen a lot of sci-fi series and movies you may have noticed the uncanny similarities between the alien and us, this no coincidence and I don't have to mention the manner of the treatment we did to our fellow human when they were different from us.

In general this how a remake should be done, both being faithful to the themes of the original and at same time doing it in a different way. Also there is and a third idea from my point f view, do remakes of films that weren't very good or they are now dated to a point they look ridiculous ,however they had an idea which could be used and make a great film, this film is a great example, the Thing of 1982 is also and the Fly of Croneberg.

Overall is a very well made film and manage to introduce this franchise to the new generation and re-kindle the interest of the older fans.
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