Very disturbing
19 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why, oh why, oh why did Elizabeth Taylor read this demented script and say, "I'll do it!" Not only is it a horrible, disturbing film, but for a woman who had experienced stalker issues during her heyday, making a film like this was downright dangerous.

I never like to give spoilers, but I'll just say this: The only person who will like this movie is that one person in the world who actually liked Looking for Mr. Goodbar. No one else should watch it. It doesn't matter that Liz is a beautiful woman. She's made dozens of films for you to choose from if you want to watch her beauty. For the love of God, skip this one.

Liz plays a mentally ill woman who never gives any insight to her character or why she's so messed up. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating. This woman should be in an institution. She's on vacation in Rome and meets several wacky people during her journey, and she purposely gets into incredibly dangerous and stupid situations with some men. If someone starts talking incessantly about how badly he wants to have sex with you, and you've told him repeatedly you don't want to, would you get in his car and let him drive you to a secluded park?

The Driver's Seat is all-around creepy. The movie splices back and forth between Liz's horrifically ominous encounters and police interrogations of the people she's met with. We don't know yet until the end why they're being questioned, but it's obvious from the get-go that something's rotten in Denmark. In the beginning, you'll want to keep watching to find out what the mystery is. Is Liz an escaped lunatic? Has she committed a crime? What's going on?

Please don't stick around to find out. This is an extremely upsetting movie to watch, especially if you actually like the beautiful star. I don't consider this a spoiler, since it's incredibly obvious every time she gets herself mixed up with a man, but there are some very disturbing sexual and violent situations. Unless you are an extremely sick person, you will be very shaken up by this movie, from start to finish. And not in a good way.

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to graphic violence and disturbing sex scenes, I wouldn't let my kids watch it. Also, there may or may not be a rape scene.
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