Review of Clona

Clona (2014– )
Not great but not terrible either!
18 July 2017
This is a commendable effort from the Czech Republic. It's not to the standard of TV productions from its wealthier European neighbors but it is entertaining and does manage to hold the viewers' interest. It's obviously low budget, and this shows in some of the stunts and rapidity with which the story is solved. There are a few episodes where the editing seems to put the scenes out of sequence, and this lack of continuity does make it difficult to follow the plot. In other episodes, the conclusion is just a little too abrupt, giving one the impression that maybe too much time was spent on previous scenes and the ending scenes had to be compressed to fit the episode into the allotted time slot. I would imagine that if there are later seasons for the series that lessons would have been learned on how this may be corrected. The fact that one no longer sees in North American series, much heavy tobacco use that one sees in many European films and TV series, it's difficult for an audience from the USA or Canada to understand that heavy smoking in public places is still quite commonplace in many European countries! Overall, it's an entertaining and enjoyable series if the cultural context is taken into account.
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