Twin Peaks: Part 10 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
The new characters take centre stage in a part filled with surprising and unsettling moments.
16 July 2017
We have entered the second half, and the first part manages to maintain the momentum of parts 7 and 9 fantastically while also shifting the focus onto a number of new characters who were briefly introduced in the first half but not really developed or focused on. Most prominent are the Mitchum brothers, who I would say were the main focus of this instalment. Robert Knepper and Jim Belushi have great chemistry, and their bewildered reactions to Candie's antics were not only hysterical, but helped to up the discomfort of the security camera scene which I found oddly disquieting.

Strange and unsettling scenes are of course a trademark of David Lynch (look no further than Part 8 for evidence), but I found that rather than the constant sense of unease that sometimes occurs (again, Part 8), this Part instead had a bevy of little moments that were each uncomfortable or surprising in their own way. I found myself squealing nearly every minute at some act of violence, plot twist, creepy visual, or unusual moment. Maybe it's just because of the contrast with the slower earlier parts (and Part 8, of course), but this right now feels like one of the more packed episodes of television I've ever seen.

All in all, this is yet another strong part in the revival. I love the way it's going and I feel like we're right where we need to be... although I do find it a little concerning that we're over halfway through and have yet to see Big Ed or Audrey.
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