Rinty is back, Yo Rinty
15 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second episode of a two part story. Rinty is off with a pack of wolves and has seemingly left Rusty. Rusty calls out to Rinty every morning for a week but now Rip and Rusty have to move on. Pierre promises to care for the lion cub but he does not believe Rinty will return.

Rinty leads the pack deep into the woods and tries to lose them by crossing a river but they follow. He then leaps off a rock ledge and leaves them behind. Rip and Rusty are at the Mounties fort when two trappers arrive Simpson and Macully reporting Angry Fox, a local Blackfoot Indian, is killing Mounties. Rusty still misses Rinty but is trying to teach the Mountie mascot, a bear cub, some tricks.

Rip goes with McKenzie to meet with the Indian chief, Walking Bear. If Walking Bear does not give up Angry Fox within two moons then there will be a war. Rinty has made it back and sees Rip, but Rinty is weak and he falls into a pit trap.

Walking Bear says he will go on a trip to talk with the Great Spirit for an answer, he hopes for a sign. Walking Bear comes upon Rinty in the trap and he frees him. Angry Fox tries to kill Walking Bear Rinty attacks him. Walking Bear is attacked by another Indian and he kills him. Rinty leaves but Walking Bear says the sign is clear. Angry Fox is turned over to the Mounties.

Rnty now has a hurt paw and limps into the camp of Simpson who fixes Rinty's paw, but then Rinty takes off looking for Rusty. Rip and Rusty are getting ready to leave the fort when a very tired Rinty crawls into sight. And you can bet every kid watching this had tears in their eyes.
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