Dunkirk (1958)
We shall fight them on the beaches
12 July 2017
I've just watched the Christopher Nolan 2017 'Dunkirk' and that offering is mediocre at best, you feel very little for the characters, nor are you told much back story.

Mr Nolan's version is not a patch on this 1958 classic where you really get a feel for the scale and depth of the military disaster and miracle evacuation

Many war films made shortly after the war, have a gritty depth & realism.

Many of the actors had been participants, they could march, salute, handle the weapons and wear a beret correctly. Because many had done it for real.

Also a lot of original aircraft/ships/vehicles were still available to use. So in many respects the old war films have an authenticity difficult to match today. (As illustrated by the 2017 mediocre film 'Dunkirk')

This follows corporal 'cor blimey' john Mills as he and his small section are separated from their unit. Their attempts to try and rejoin their unit through the chaos of the retreat to Dunkirk.

It also follows the civilians helping in the 'little ships' and the operation to save the British/French armies stranded at Dunkirk.

It is an epic tale and over the years I have watched it several times. A Sunday afternoon classic epic tale of heroism in a total disaster that nearly meant annihilation. Without the evacuation by 'the little ships' it surely would have meant Hitler conquering all of Europe

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