The X-Files: Schizogeny (1998)
Season 5, Episode 9
"I take care of the trees."
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I'm not the only one. When I saw the title of this episode, I had to do some research on it, and came up with the same dictionary definition quoted by reviewer 'Sanpaco13' in his review. It relates to the story in only the most marginal way to my thinking, making me wonder how and why the writers even went with it. Oh well.

As big a fan as I am of the X-Files, I have to admit that this is one convoluted story. When it got to the part of the tree rooted coffin and the dead father in the basement of the Matthews home, well all semblance of credibility went out the window for me. Not that all the episodes of extraterrestrials and monster of the week stories were believable themselves, but they were all generally constructed in some manner that made the ideas seem plausible. This one just stood out there like a lone tree in an empty meadow. Uh-oh, did I just say that?

Speaking of other reviewers, one of the best analyses of an X-Files episode I've seen yet comes from 'Foreverisacastironmess' for this one. Check it out for it's effective explanation of what might have been going on with Karin Matthews (Sarah-Jane Redmond), as I would never have come up with such a definitive treatment myself. For me personally, I'm more inclined to slough off the story with Mulder's off hand comment about puttin' down roots.

Well, I guess this is a take it or leave it episode for most viewers. The underlying message of young folks seeking to empower themselves is a good one, but it goes off the rails with all the murder and mayhem, not to mention those mud pies Mulder so casually mentioned at one point. No wonder Scully gets so exasperated with him at times.
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