Review of Will

Will (2017)
Not to be
11 July 2017
Thought it might have a chance but it's not be. Awful production. London looks like Mardi Gras. Everyone looks or acts like a clown. Will is so weak he can't fight a 12 year old kid who apparently bathes in mud. No deception about Will's sexuality right off the bat as he seems attracted to the incredibly ugly, effeminate character played be Jaime Bower who ruined Camelot by playing a girly man King Arthur ( why is he given roles I'll never understand ). Unlike Da Vinci's Code whose first 2 seasons were outstanding; this is an outright mess right out of the gate. Go watch Genius for quality TV and pass on this travesty. Bad year for anything Shakespeare with that other abomination on ABC that must have had SJW's salivating in delight. The poor Bard.
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