Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A show with ups and downs and definitely overrated.
10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me tell you something. I've never read the books and I don't intend until GRRM finish all this damn books, If one day he will do it. I watched all the seasons up to now, and I intend to finish it, but even much I enjoy the show, I can't deny that the story taken certain directions that disappointed and displeased me.

In the first half of show, the story had great twists and episodes really memorable and awesome as Ned's death, the battle of BlackWater, the Red Wedding and all the exciting fourth season. Unfortunately, there was a decline of certain characters in lasts seasons. Daenerys was an incredible character in beginning as a conqueror, but after she took power in Meeren, she's simply annoying now. All plot in Meereen was boring.

And what about Tyrion? After he fled from Casterly Rock, his story seems to have lost its charm. The hard truth is that he's now just the shadow of the man he was. He was terribly wasted in the last seasons having been reduced to a mere comic relief. Arya, in particular, what the hell she did in the last two seasons, I cannot say. Her excellent and entertaining interaction with The Hound gave way to a boring and wtf training in Braavos, and the show lost a lot with that. About Dorne, I don't even need to comment. Was ridiculously ridiculous.As for the end of Stannis, I don't know what to comment either. The character had one of the worst plot outcomes I've ever seen. And Rickon Stark? He died as he lived: being totally useless.

And even when the show was at its best, there have always been some freaking stupid and bizarre things that sound too exaggerated and out of place in story, which has a more crude and realistic tone in itself. I can easely accept the dragons and the "mediumistic" Bran Stark abilities why they fit into a medieval universe. But I can't stand Melisandre giving birth a freaking shadow that killed a Guy and then disappears like smoke. What? And there are the Zumbies and the arrival of the white walkers, that I never give a damn.This army of Ice Zumbies often feels shifted from realistic political universe in GoT. Seriously, this plot sucks.

The positive points is that stories of Jon Snow, Sansa and Bran became much more interesting in the last seasons by far. It's cool to see Jon Snow standing in his rightful position and Sansa finally standing up for herself. Bran's character, by the way, has finally gained some meaning for me now. I hated him until season six, now I really like him. Hodor's death was touching and surprising. The Battle of the Bastards was epic. So, not everything displeased me.

I don't know if season seven and eight will be able to lift the fun and surprises that were the first half of Game Of Thrones. The show feels somewhat lost amid so many changes, and seems to feel the weight of having lost so many interesting characters along the way.
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