The X-Files: X-Cops (2000)
Season 7, Episode 12
one of the better ones
6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was super happy to see this recorded on my DVR. I totally forgot about it. I'm almost 41, back in my hey day, channel 5 or FOX was the bomb. I used to think if I was Fargo-like kidnapped and forced to watch TV tied up, I'd want FOX on. x-Files, Cops, Original Family Guys before it was cool, Night Visions with Henry Rollins, Simpsons, I got a little upset about the Alley Mcbeal crap and then Reality TV fad took over. Anyhow, love how this episode goes. It reminds me of partys I had in this same time era. Start off at 8 and end at daybreak. Why when I watched the part of them storming the crack house, I thought, that looks like fun, though back in the day, I was in houses like htat but it was college area and involved just beer. No dead skinhead looking guys that have been dead for up to a week in the john. It was also fun to now see this episode and have the resourses to see who was who in the episode. There was like barely anyone who even made Wiki in this episode. The first cop afraid of Waspman did Texas Ranger for a while and stuff and another deputy and lastly the Morgue assistant. Just like I remembered, I could never forget it, she was super annoying. Seeing the actresses profile, I saw shes a daughter of Hollywood types and got "Actor related privilege" ( I just throw out all types of priveliges now to shut people up). Holy craps she was annoying. This whole episode was memorable, why it was like I watched it yesterday. The two gay guys were super memorable. I noticed Fox giggled a lot around them and then told Dana to take the car but to be sure to fill it with gas. In todays society that would be big no nos. I really liked that couple though. very sweet. Reminds me of people I know. One thing in noticed is a lot of the houses that were for drugs or just unkept had sinks in the yard. I'm supposed to be getting a vanity to replace my stupid Pedestal sink tomorrow and was hoping to try and sell the Pedestal sink for like 10 -20 bucks. I was debating the price today in my head. I should just throw it out I guess. Hell, I treid to give away a working dishwasher for free on the FB garage sale site last month and it was a disaster and I just chucked it. Those are my fears so i'd be okay with this monster I guess. But over all, nicely written, humorous still, escpecially with scully and the camera crew.
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